Office Assistant 办公室文员
2/17/2015 11:46 am
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This position will involve, but is not limited to, finance data entry, office routine, shipping, and warehouse operation. Applicants should be ready to work in a fast-paced environment. They should be comfortable with multi-tasking and task-oriented functions. Office location: Merrimack, NH Qualifications: 1. Bachelor degree or above 2. Proficient in MS Office 3. Fluent in English and Chinese 4. Excellent communication skills 5. Eligibility to work in the US 6. Background or experience in business/finance/accounting will be a plus If interested please send your resume to 公司位于新罕布尔州Merrimack。 因业务扩展需要,现需招募文员一名,负责整理录入公司采购销售文档和处理办公室日常事务。 必须有大学文凭,能熟练电脑操作,熟悉MS Office,中英文流利, 有在美工作的许可。 如有一年以上相关工作经验,有基本商业知识或经验,熟悉网络购物流程、有财会背景会更佳。 有责任心,关注细节,认真诚实,善于沟通,有团队精神,能灵活适应不同的工作任务。 请联系